Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Baby Clothes

So my sister came to visit from Idaho last weekend and she brought me a bunch of her kids' baby clothes. They are all so cute! It makes me so excited to see our little girl in them. My mom is also really excited. She has also contributed to the cute baby clothes that I now possess. She says every time they get new stuff at Costco, she has to check them all out and buy the cute ones for us. Our baby has been moving a lot more lately and Isaac has been able to feel her move a few times. What's funny is that she'll be moving a lot, I'll put Isaac's hand to my stomach and she'll stop! Isaac either comforts her, or she's just a little shy. We can't wait to hold her, and try all her cute outfits on her!


April said...

Yay, a new blog entry! I love to read your blog! That's great that you're getting new baby clothes without having to buy them all! That reminds me that I need to call your mom about a baby shower!

Tim and Angie said...

Babies always do that to the dad. Especially the first. Cute clothes. You can borrow some of mine too, if you want to. We're hoping for a boy next. I'm excited to see and hold your baby too. Fun times!

April said...

Um, please update your blog now because I want to read it.

Nielsen Familia said...

hehe, ok. I'll try to think of something...

Kathrin Paul said...

I love buying baby clothes! My niece hates playing dress up, but I love it and I'm bigger than her so we do it anyway.

Nielsen Familia said...

That's funny Biph, I can just see you making her play dress-up with you!!!

April said...

Now I know which of those clothes is your favorite.

oviya said...

We love our miracle babies! Here’s a $5 off coupon from My Miracle to celebrate! $5 off your purchase of $30 or

more. Use coupon code: SAVING05

Cute Baby clothes