Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tagged by my friend Biph! Thanks Biph!

Here are 5 quirks that I have:
1. I hate organize bumps, they gross me out. If something has bumps on it, and they seem to be organized, I think it's gross! I think this all stems to some skin diseases that I learned about in high school.

2. I smell EVERYTHING! I use my sense of smell far more than a lot of people I think.

3. When I'm eating chewy sweet tarts or skittles or starbursts, I have to make sure I eat my very favorite one last, and before that my next to favorite one, and so on. My favorite chewy sweet tart is the grape one, my favorite skittle is the grape one, and my favorite starburst is the plum one in the california mix! Yummy! That would be the best present if someone gave me a whole bag of just those flavors!

4. I can't let a crunchy leaf go. What I mean is, if I see a really tempting, crunchy leaf, when I'm on a walk, I have to step on it. Even if it means going back a few steps to get it. That's why I hate it so much when April steals the crunchy ones, I just gotta get to them first!!!

5. I get pretty angry inside when someone passes gas. I hate that I have to sit there surrounded by a smell that came out of someone's bum. (I'm sure a lot of people relate to that one, but we'll have to compare our anger, because I get pretty annoyed!)

4 places I go over and over:
*My parent's house

4 places I like to eat:
*Cafe Rio
*Asian Star
*Red Lobster

4 places I would like to be right now:
*The Beach
*In my bed sleeping
*In a situation where someone just gave me 2,000,000 dollars(or more)(or less, money is good no matter the amount if it's free!)
*in the shower

4 TV shows I like:
*The Office
*The Simpsons

4 books I have enjoyed:
*Into Thin Air, John Krakauer
*Harry Potter
*The Gable faces East
*Goosebumps, (this was when I was about 8, but hey! I loved them!)


Amy said...

This is very funny! We must be related because I'm #2 & 4 quirky as well! Just ask Steve!

Amy said...

Oh yes, you need to give examples of the organized bumps! Frogs, toads, braille?

April said...

Oh my heck, Julia, this makes me laugh! I like it that you say you would like to be "in a situation where someone just gave you all that money...", I don't know, it's just funny. Where would you be, for what reason would they have given it to you, etc? Sounds stupid now but it was funny in my mind. I also enjoy stepping on the crunchy leaves, so that's why we have to take turns, okay? I do know how much you use your sense of smell, and you passed it on to me because I sniff almost everything now since I learned it from you many years ago. I probably still don't sniff things quite as much as you do, though. Oh and I remember that girl in high school who had those ugly bumps on her chest and you always said it made you want to throw up or something, it just grossed you out so much whenever you saw the bumps on her. And one last thing, I know you get mad about people passing gas around you, but remember when I got mad that time you were passing gas and you said I was inconsiderate for getting mad because it would hurt your stomach if you didn't fart? Maybe you should think of that when you get mad at someone for farting. Well anyway, these were all the thoughts I had as I read this post. Love you!

Kathrin Paul said...

Love it.