Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Children's Museum

We went to to Children's Museum with our play group back in March. Sarah had a BLAST! She probably would have stayed there, content to play all day, without stopping for food or water.
"ball in there" That's what Sarah is said when she saw this picture
Food shopping

Playing with water
Just her size tree hut. I would have loved one of these as a kid. One of my friends had a two story playhouse and I was so jealous of it. That is why I'm going to build one of those when we are living in our permanent house. You can hold me to it if you want to :)
Bored on a horse.


April said...

I still remember the Childrens Museum from when I was little because I loved it so much there! So, you're going to build a playhouse, huh? I remember broken promises of that from our youth. Just kidding - they were fulfilled but then torn down because your parents thought it was junky. I'll help you build it, and then we can build one at my house, too (since we're going to live next door to each other).

James and Audra said...

She is so dang cute, she looks so much like you Julia.