Thursday, June 10, 2010


This is the first year we've done a garden at our house, and it's been a lot of fun so far! Sarah loved helping us plant the seeds.

She also loved helping to get rid of the rocks in the garden.

And eating the dirt.
Look at that hunky guy tilling the earth!
and here she is! Amazingly that 1 ft fence keeps Floyd out. We just had to tell him a few times not to go in it, and he stays out! We planted corn, cucumbers, peas (only 1 pea plant survived), tomatoes, sweet banana peppers, watermelon, carrots, green onions, and lettuce. We also got some Raspberry and strawberry starts from Desiray and Orange. Thanks you guys!


April said...

Wow, nice garden! I wish we had one! Sarah looks sneaky in the dirt face picture. You are lucky to have married a hunk.

Tara and Orlando said...

Way to go! That's exciting.