Monday, September 13, 2010

Craft Night

We did a craft night with my friend Steph and April on Saturday. We had so much fun! We watched Hocus Pocus and worked on our own crafts but mostly talked and laughed.
Oh yeah, and I cut my hair, and I love it. I was nervous to do it, but I'm glad I did!
We took a couple pictures like this and my eyes kept partially closing, so I was trying to keep them open.
This is the cute rug April painted.

These are the owls I was doing. I was going to do an applique for a shirt for Sarah, but now I'm going to make some owls that match my Christmas tree and hang them on it (purple gold and red) I'll post my finished owls eventually. I'll probably still do an applique also.

These are the cute letters Steph was working on.


The Littlefields said...

I really think we should do a craft night once a month (at least until your baby comes). Thanks for coming! I sure like you guys!

April said...

Yeah! That was fun!

Sabrina said...

I love your hair cut