Charlotte turned 6 months on August 4th. She is so fun! At 6 months Charlotte...
- Still doesn't like to smile for the camera. She's just too interested in it.
-Sits up for pretty long periods, but she does eventually topple backward, but is getting better and better every day!
-Smiles all the time, but it stingy with her laughs. (Given most heartily to Floyd and Sarah.)
- Can Say mamamamamamama and says dadadadadadada and I've heard nananananana
-She rolls from front to back only.
-Started doing raspberries
-Hates most baby food and gags. The things she will tolerate are Sweet potatoes (her very favorite) pears, bananas, and prunes.
- Still has no teeth
- Loves Floyd
- Has enough hair to put a small pony tail on the top of her head.
- Sleeps 12 hours at night, and takes 2-two hour naps during the day.