Monday, March 10, 2008

Here is my first post! Let's see, what should I write about... Well, we may be moving to Eagle Mountain. We have someone that is going to buy our house so now we are just trying to find a house in Eagle Mountain. We would move there because it is closer to Isaac's work and we'd have a much bigger house. The downside that it isn't close to anything so we'll have to go a ways just to do anything, but we'd have a lot bigger house!!! Does anyone know how to make my blog cuter? UPDATE: We are staying in Taylorsville! No moving for us, maybe in a few years.


Lane and Katie Eyre said...

Julia you crack me up!! Yay for your first post!!

The Littlefields said...

I love that you started a blog, but I don't love that you didn't tell me about it! I saw you on Katies. :) I would tell you how to make your blog cuter if I would have had a personal invite to come. :) Just kidding I'll tell you. I found a really easy site... I hope that helps.Welcome to the blogging world. (I hope you post more than April does)

Nielsen Familia said...

Well, the truth is Steph, I was kind of embarrassed by my blog because of how cute yours is and stuff. I was "laying low" until I could make it cuter. K? Anyway, thank you so much for that great link! I'm on my way! And Thank you Katie!

April said...

ha ha, julia!! you are funny! don't be ashamed of your blog! maybe after we go to dinner this wednesday (do you want to, again?), i can come over and help you make your blog even cooler. i mean mine isn't that cool, but we could just play around on it together. anyway, i love you!

The Littlefields said...

I was just giving you a hard time. I did the same thing, now I can't stop blogging.
By the way, Happy birthday!