Saturday, August 2, 2008

Crib and 3 Month Supply

So this past day off (Mon), Isaac and I got quite a few things done. First of all, Isaac cleared out the baby's room of all of our storage, and put it in our new storage shed. Then he moved all of our food storage into our closet under the stairs. We also went to IKEA and bought some curtains for the baby's room, and also a food storage shelf for our 3 month supply of rotatable foods. We thought we were good on our food storage because we had our year supply of the basics(wheat, rice, beans etc.) But then, our church has said that we should also have a 3 month supply of foods we use every day, so it was back to getting more stuff. That is what I've been working on this past week. I made a list of all the things we eat every day, and all the things that are required to make those things. Then I made a list of all those things that can last at least 3 months in storage, either in the freezer, or at room temperature. Anyway, It was a process. I think I overdid it a little one day, because I did a lot of the shopping on one day, but everything is OK, they baby hasn't come yet ;) It just makes us feel a lot better to have these things! Here is a picture of our stocked to the brim storage shelf...

Isaac put the crib together earlier. but on Monday we actually put the all of the cute stuff on it! I made the quilt for it, and my mom got us to bumper, oh and April got us the sheets. We got the crib on for 20 bucks! We like it! The baby's room still isn't finished, but it's getting there!!!


April said...

Good job Julia and Isaac! You are so prepared! I can't wait to come over and see the baby's room now!

April said...

Oh, and the quilt you made is so cute!

The Littlefields said...

Wow! Good for you guys! When we move back that is first on our agenda... food storage that is. You'll have to give me pointers.
I love your baby bedding, so cute. I've decide that I'm going to make the bedding when we have a boy. Good for you. I'm so excited for you to be a Mom! You're such a cute little prego girl. (I was swollen like you too, no worries it goes down after you have the baby.)

Lane and Katie Eyre said...

Uh, good job!! I say, um, what's food storage?! We're terrible!! The baby's stuff is so cute. Have you thought of a name or anything?

Just T said...

Wowsers! You have been busy! I wish we were up to speed on food storage! Your baby stuff is so cute! How exciting!

Tara said...

The guilt you made is darling! That is a great deal on the crib. I love The bedroom is adorable. I'm super excited for you guys

James and Audra said...

I really love that quilt Julia, It is super cute. Can't wait to see you. Love Audra

Katy said...

SUch cute baby things! Im so excited for you to have your baby! You will be such a fun Mom! :)

Des said...

LOVE the baby quilt. That is so cute!! I am really impressed that you made it yourself.

***** theses are pats on the back for doing your food storage. I remember doing it gun ho right after kort was born. It was such an awesome feeling of achievment. Sadly, all of that hard work is expiring THIS year. (of all years)
I think that raising the kids on my own will keep me busy enough. BUT then again....there might just be that talk in church that inspires me. We shall see. Great work though for you guys!!