Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The benefits of having a dog, with a baby.

1. He entertains Sarah. She'll just crawl all over him and he'll just let her do it. She also thinks it's so funny when he is chewing a dog bone or something, she'll just laugh hysterically at him sometimes.
2. When Isaac is gone at night for work or other reasons, I feel SO much safer. I know he would protect us if he needed to.
3. When we go on walks I feel so much safer with him along.
4. When I go running in the morning, to work off the baby weight, at 5:30 a.m. He's SO excited to get up and go with me. Even thought it annoys me a little that he's so happy to get up so early and go, it helps motivate me.
and last but not least....
5. He eats all of Sarah's food that she throws on the floor. It just makes meal time a lot less messy, and it is SO nice. Thanks Floyd, we appreciate it

1 comment:

April said...

Ahhh, Floyd is cute! Dogs are the best! That makes me laugh that it kind of annoys you how he's so excited in the morning. Also it makes me laugh that one of Sarah's first words is dog. I bet you're proud of that. Well I would be if I were you.