Friday, April 15, 2011

Charlotte's Weekly

Just for fun, here is a looks comparison of Charlotte and Sarah at 10 weeks. Sarah is on the left, and Charlotte on the right:

What do you think? Do they look alike at all?? They look very different to me in these pictures.

10 weeks


The Finlinsons said...

I think they look WAY different from each other. Then again, at 10 weeks I thought my kids looked way different and most people tell me now that its crazy how alike they look.

But I'd say that Charlotte is kind of like Leila and Sarah more like Eden...Leila had a more slender and delicate face while Eden's was always a little rounder.

De EspaƱa said...

Yeah I think they look really different from each other, and not just because Sarah's chubbier. Their faces just look different to me. I keep thinking that Charlotte reminds me of Isaac in how she looks. At your parents' house after Charlotte's blessing Tony and I were watching Sarah play with her cousins from Isaac's side of the family and we both agree that she seems to look more like his side of the family than the Despain side... as in she looks a lot more like Nielsen cousins than Despain cousins. But then I'd think that if they both had more Nielsen looks, they'd look more like each other... I guess we'll just have to see when they grow up! Maybe they'll be like your family and no one will look like each other.

Amy said...

Completely different! So cute to do the comparison.

Tara and Orlando said...

They do look quite different. Both adorable still.

Jess said...

They do look quite different.