Charlotte turned 10 months on December 4th. She is just getting more and more fun! The only really new thing that she is doing is pulling herself up to standing. Also, she said "bye bye" today, and waved her little hand. So cute! I can also put her hair in pig tails now, and I love how she looks in pig tails! We are still Swaddling her for naps and bed time, but she gets out of it and wakes up. I know I need to ween her off swaddling, but it's really hard to do when the girls share a room. I have tried several times, but she just won't go to sleep and keeps Sarah up. Any suggestions? We have tried just wrapping one arm, just wrapping her body, and giving her a stuffed animal to hold. It was easy to wean Sarah off swaddling because she didn't keep anyone up. Anywho, I can't believe I'm going to have a one year old in 2 months!!!
(P.S. I wrote this update on December 6th.)
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