Thursday, May 1, 2008

Finances Stink!

So, after our car majorly broke down for the 4th time in the past 2 months, it caused me to reflect upon things. (it hasn't been the same car all 4 times, we had problems with my old car that we got rid of, the new car we got to replace it, and Isaac's car) I have been a little worried about our finances because of this baby in my belly, that will be coming out to live with us in August. We are a two income family right now, but we will be a one income family in a few months. Up until our car broke down again, I have been stressing out about how we're going to afford things. But I also know that having a baby right now is the right thing. Then our car broke down again. It wasn't a cheap fix, but the thing is, each time we have had to fix our cars, we have had enough savings so we don't have to go into debt over it. This made me realize that we are not that bad off, we have 2 cars to drive, and we have money for food and clothing and a nice house to live in that is CLEAN!!(refer to prev post). I realized that we are doing the right thing, I just need to trust in the Lord that everything will work out. And for the first time, I feel at ease about everything. I feel like everything is going to be OK, and that makes me happy! It's funny how life works, how a car breaking down de-stressed me, haha!


The Littlefields said...

YAY! (not for cars breaking down) I love to visit your blog and see updates!! I haven't checked for awhile so.... Congrats on the girl!! I love having a girl. You will love it, and be the best mom ever.
Also congrats on keeping the house clean. It is so good to get in the habit before you have a baby. -Even when they can't move their stuff is everywhere. - Good work.
I love you Julia. Is anybody throwing you a baby shower?? I would love to come if someone already is. (I'm sure April is all over it, but I would totally throw you one if you don't have one on the books.)
This is a super long comment. Sorry.

James and Audra said...

I totally, agree about money sucking. But, no fear, the Lord always blesses those who do the right thing. I think James and I have been more financially stable since we had children. Good Luck. You guys will do great. Can't wait to see you in August hopefully, if you aren't in labor. Love Audra

Nielsen Familia said...

Steph: Thank you so much! April has mentioned throwing a baby shower. I said that my family will probably be throwing one, but I just don't know how it works if friends are invited to a family one, or if there is a separate friend one. How did it work for you? I know I went to your family one, but did you have one in Cedar also? Let me know. Oh yeah, and thanks for helping me make my blog cuter!

Audra: I plan on coming in August! and I'm way excited to see you! I'm due at the end of August, so I'll be huge and miserable, but I really want to go, so I'll probably be there! YAY!

Lane and Katie Eyre said...

You have the right attitude!! Lane and I worry about that too, but it really does work out! You will be amazed!!

April said...

Good job again Julia! You are so smart with money, so don't worry! Yes, I will throw you a shower. I was actually thinking last week that I would call your mom and ask her what she thought (like if we should do it together, or what?) But then I remembered that now is too soon. Anyway. I love you!

April said...

Also, I too enjoy that you now regularly update your blog. It is fun to read!

Des said...

Julia, I have to tell you that with each one of our children we have received a huge blessing. Three of which were job promotions for Orange (unexpected). It is like Heavenly Father is rewarding you for letting this little spirit come down. I remember being concerned when I got pregnant with Gabby and Orange and I were both working and making equal money and all the sudden our income was going to be cut in HALF! It was scary. But after I quite we honestly did not notice a differance. We still ate out and did things we normally did. Then you start to wonder "What the heck did we do with the money I made?" It really is shocking how it does work out. So watch for your HUGE blessing:) Love you guys!