Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cheap-O me

Hey, remember when I used to be so cheap?? April, I'm sure you remember, since we've been best friends since 6th grade. But, I was thinking back on a few situations in my life where I was just appalled at how cheap I used to be. Here is an example... When I was in college, I was so CAREFUL with my money, that is because I didn't have any, or not much anyway. Anyway, there was a time our ward was having a Halloween party. All of my roommates: Steph, Katie, Ann, Jill, and Kim, wanted to dress up like 80's rock stars because we found this really ugly, cool shirt at DI for $2.00. I was so cheap, I told my roommates, " Sorry everyone, I don't have any money to do that with you guys." TWO dollars!! Anyway, I went as a pirate because I had a red and white striped shirt, and I stressed that I didn't want them to buy the shirt for me. They came a little later than me and well, they ended up buying it for me, I was a little annoyed because I didn't want them to have to pay two dollars for me, but they just assured me that they really wanted everyone to dress up the same for our party. That's just an example of how cheap I used to be. So, I'm so sorry to everyone in my past that I was overly cheap with. I appologize. I have now met my husband who is not cheap at all. I have learned a lot from him about enjoying our money, rather than being so stressed out all the time about money, that I can't even splurge on a two dollar shirt. I would still consider myself cheap, but not to the extreme that I used to be. I think Isaac and I balance eachother out in that area pretty well.


April said...

Ha ha ha, Julia, this really makes me laugh!!! You are for sure the most frugal friend I have! I think Isaac has loosened you up a bit in that way, but (especially compared to me) you're still pretty cheap! I love you that way, though! You and Isaac make a good balance for each other!

The Littlefields said...

It's funny that you chose that experience to explain how cheap you are, because that is what popped into my head as you started. :) That was funny. I still liked you when you were cheap, I'm glad you're less stressed. Good work Isaac, I'm sure you were a tough one to crack.

Nielsen Familia said...

haha, that's funny! Sorry Steph!