Wednesday, June 24, 2009

9 months!!!

We went into Sarah's 9 month checkup on June 4th. She was 92nd percentile in height, and 89th percentile in weight. She is a growing girl!!! She loves food!! She now just drinks out of sippy cups, so no more bottles! She started crawling the week after her 9 month appointment, and hasn't slowed down. She gets into everything. She also pulls herself up to standing, and she loves being in that position, so she may not be just crawling for long, we'll see. Before she was proficient at this, she climbed out of her crib. I felt so awful, but luckily she came out of it unscathed. She is saying "mama" a lot more often now. She also says dada, nana, baba, papa, yeah, yes, and sometimes she waves. When we are singing to her she will twist her body back and forth to dance. It is so cute. She also likes to shake her head "no", but I don't think she knows what it means yet. She also does this thing when she's excited, she'll scrunch up her face and point her arms out straight and say "Eeeee" or something like that. I need to get pictures of that one. I do have some pictures to post, but I'll have to put them on here later. We are going to Oregon for a whole week next week, and the week after that I have girl's camp, so I will be very busy preparing for those things!!! But I had to post this now, so I won't forget. We just love this girl and it's so fun to see her learn and grow!!!


April said...

And don't forget her other favorite word "April!" just kidding, but soon it will be. Sarah is the cutest baby in the whole wide world (and you can stare into my eyes when I say that).

Tara and Orlando said...

Cute! So, what are you doing with Sarah while you are at girls camp?

Angelina said...

She is a smart girl! Treyton is 14 months and still learning to say some of those things. Good luck in Oregon and Girl's Camp!

Jess said...

How cute! She is growing up so fast. That sounds like a fun stage! I can't wait until Elena starts doing those things! :)

Pedersen Family said...

Wow, 9 months already!! It is amazing how fast they grow. She sure is a cutie. She is smart. Her verbal skills are advanced. Cute pics of the hike too. Have fun on your trips!

Charisse said...

Hey Julia! I found your blog. I really meant to ask you about it, but just never did. You guys do some fun things together, and little Sarah is so darling!