Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Eve

We had a traditional "when I was a kid" Christmas Eve. Every year we would get together with my aunt and uncle's family and go to Godfather's pizza, and then go back to their place and play games. It was a lot of fun, and it was great to bring back the memories of those childhood Christmas Eves. We also had Sarah open her Christmas Eve pajamas when we got back to my parent's house, and she was so excited she could finally touch a present! (She had of course been told to stay away from all the presents under the tree up until this point.)
So excited!
Ready for Santa to come! "Ho ho ho!"


Ben said...

Ha ha, that third picture is hilarious... you should blow it up!

Jess said...

She is so cute! I just want to squish her cheeks!

Nielsen Familia said...

I know, it's a little bit scary, but she was just SO EXCITED she had to use all the muscles in her face!

Meg Cook said...

I'm glad you had a good Christmas. Your little girl is getting so big and so cute! Also I can't believe how long your hair is..it's gorgeous, too!

April said...

That picture is so funny!!! It's more like a Halloween face than Christmas! But anyway, I love the barrett in your hair and Sarah's pigtails (with those cute barretts) look so cute!

Pedersen Family said...

Can I come to Christmas Eve next year? Tim's family never gets together for any holiday. We're all by ourselves out here in Utah! I'm happy you guys had a great Christmas though. The cabin looked like tons of fun, and isn't it so much more fun to be a mom on Christmas than a kid? Sarah is such a cutie!

The Voorhees Family said...

It looks like you had a great Christmas, with a few exceptions. I hope you're well, I would love to see you!