Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Last night Sarah slept for a full 8 hours!!! Isn't that great? I checked her every hour from 5 hours on though, to make sure she was still breathing, I was just so surprised she kept sleeping! Let's see if she keeps it up! Also, we had her 2 week appointment yesterday, and she is now 8 lbs, 12 oz. She has grown an inch and is now 22" long. She is in the 52 percentile in weight, and the 97 percentile in height. It was fun to know her progress.


April said...

Hey it sounds like she's long and skinny compared to other babies! Isn't it time for the weekly picture? I spent all week waiting for it.

Angelina said...

I can't believe she slept a full 8 hours! I'm so jealous.