Friday, April 17, 2009


Cute Bunny Feet

Sarah and her loot

I think she was wired all through church, just from the two licks!!!

Ready for Church

Easter Best

Sarah and Mommy ready for the egg hunt!

Om nom nom

Sarah and her cousin Gray

Waiting patiently

Lots O' Eggs


The Finlinsons said...

I think we do have similar tastes in baby clothes! I love that Easter dress and the sweater! I can't seem to get sweaters to fit Eden right. Pity. Eden's dress is from Gymboree. My mother in law gave it to her...but later we realized that it's dry clean only. Man, who makes baby clothes DRY CLEAN ONLY?

April said...

Julia, the pictures on this post made me laugh so much! I don't know why, but sometimes Sarah is just hilarious to look at. She always has that one look on her face. Hopefully she'll someday develop new expressions. Also, I was REALLY laughing at the pictures with her cousin, Gray. They are so funny!! I like the one where he's just looking over at her.

Nielsen Familia said...

It's because it is like she's saying, "here Gray, an egg. Oh. He didn't want it."

The Finlinsons said...

That's awesome that you got the dress on eBay. Actually, my sister's used to sell baby clothes on eBay but they haven't done it in ages. I should check out the prices. I haven't bought her any clothes yet because she still fits into what people have given us. But she's running low and we'll need to start buying them.

The Fullmers Four said...

Cute Pics!!!! I am so glad that you found me. I swear I have lost touch with almost everyone from Oakcrest, which makes me VERY VERY SAD :-(

I think the real question is, How do YOU know Billy and Tara?
My hubby and Bill have been best friends, no closer then best friends, since they where like 5. So, i guess that would make me and Tara best friends via marriage!

The Fullmers Four said...

PS, I really do know how to spell Terra's name. I don't know what I was thinking.

Kathrin Paul said...

I love it, Blinky! She is so so cute! I'm glad you take so many pictures. Sarah has such rockin' baby style!

Jess said...

Thanks for your nice comment about Elena. She is a lot of fun! I can't believe how big your little one is! How cute! It looks like you had a fun Easter!