Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let's get down to business...

To defeat, the Huns. And by Huns I mean fat. I'm ready to get rid of my baby chub. I've been half-heartedly trying to get rid of it since Sarah was born, but now I'm kickin' it into gear. I started with Tae Bo, but that was mostly for toning not as much an aerobic activity, so I'll use it for toning. Then I would go on walks, but Sarah sometimes wouldn't tolerate a long one, and I hated cutting the time short. So, I ordered an aerobic step and Gilad's Step Aerobics. So far it's really fun, and it gets me sweating!! At the bottom of my blog you will see my weight loss ticker, so I can be accountable for the pounds I gain or lose. These are some of the things I love when dieting, and always:
Air pop popcorn popper:
Popcorn is yummy, and filling, and tastes good, especially when you add this:

And a little bit of onera. Om nom nom. It adds 0 calories, even if you spray it 5 times.
Also, I'm really liking frozen vegetables with the butter spray and a little bit of salt. You can also spray it on toast! (These tips I learned from Jill and Ann when I was at SUU. I do not take credit for them)
Yay for getting rid of the chub chub!


Unknown said...

Good Luck!!! It sounds like your really motivated!! If you ever want to go for a walk and want a buddy give me a call!!

Jenny said...

Good luck! I need to do the same thing. With Mason though, I couldn't loose any weight until I stopped nursing. It will probably be a while still. I will just have to stay fat for a few more months! ;) I wish you lots of luck. I think popcorn is the greatest!

Rachel said...

Way to be motivated! I'm already looking forward to loosing this baby weight I'm gaining. I'm trying to be good about NOT gaining as much as I did with Nate, but it's kind of hard to control how much you gain when you're pregnant. Oh well. Hopefully I'll be motivated afterwards as well to just get it all off! :)
Good luck! You can do it!

April said...

Good job, Julia!

Tim and Angie said...

You go girl! In a few months I'll be doing the same. One of my favorite snacks is Laughing Cow light cheese wedges. They are 2g of fat and 35 cal. per wedge. With some whole grain crackers, it's a very filling snack! Good luck!

Sabrina said...

I am with you on this. I have 12 15 pounds to go and it is the hardest to loose. Good luck!

Kathrin Paul said...

I think you are a star! Way to go!

Jess said...

Good luck! I can't wait to have my little girl so I can get started on the diet! lol :) One step at a time right? :)