Monday, September 13, 2010

Sarah is two!!!

My sweet 2 year old the morning of her birthday!

Daddy finally came home so she could open presents!

She said, "It's Backpack!"

Sarah's first potty! I'm so looking forward to potty training!

She was so excited about her slide!
She blew out the candles all by herself!

Sarah had a fun birthday, and was so excited to open presents this year. She even sneaked one early... whoops! She is such a good girl and hasn't really reached a "Terrible twos" stage yet. Hopefully it never comes... We do have to use time outs on her, but not very often. She is very tall for her age and is still in the 99th percentile. She loves to learn and is a very smart girl! She talks like crazy, counts up to 13, sings her ABCs, sings I am a Child of God (She calls it "He has sent me here.") and many other songs, and even makes up her own songs. She also loves to dance, and knows her colors and shapes. Her favorite food is cheese and fruit. Her favorite TV show is Wonderpets and her favorite color is pink (that's what she told me) We love having her in our family!


April said...

She's so cute! I can't believe she's 2 already. It seems like yesterday you were pregnant with her... Happy birthday Sarah!

Charisse said...

What a cute little birthday girl! I love seeing all the fun stuff you have been up to!

Sabrina said...

Watch out for the two's, it took Bryce about three months in and then aliens took him and replaced him with a thing that says no, slaps, kicks and whines all the time. I pray little Sarah does not change. I miss you guys!