Sunday, October 4, 2009


So, I have this non-acetone nail polish remover that I've used for about the last 10 years, but the last time I used it(which was Friday), this is what happened to my fingers:
I was reading on the internet that if you have really old non-acetone nail polish remover, the chemicals can start to break down and cause burns. So, if you're ever tempted to use 10 year old non-acetone nail polish remover. Don't. It hurts! I'VE GOT BLISTAS ON MY FINGAS!


April said...

Yucky! Also I know that reference is from a Beatles song but I can't remember which one!

Angelina said...

Oh my goodness! I had no clue that could happen!

Tara said...

Oh my heck!! I never knew that could happen. You poor thing. I hope it is getting better!

Unknown said...

That's crazy!! I hope it heals fast for you.

Amy said...

Wow!! How are your fingers now? That is nasty!!!

Tara and Orlando said...

Yikes! I'm going to have to check mine...I think it's about that old too.

Marlene's Portraits said...

oooooooouch!!! it makes me hurt just looking at it!! Thanks for the heads up. It's been over that long since I've used mine I think. I'd better throw mine out.