Monday, October 5, 2009

Scrap Book Blogger

I was trying to find the best place to print my blog(since this is the only journal/scrapbook/photo album/etc. thing that I do.) I couldn't find a place that wouldn't require copying and pasting each individual post, which would become quite time consuming. Anyway, I found this site that converts your whole blog over to book form, and then prints it and sends it to you! Yay! It's called If any of you know of an even BETTER site, let me know! The only downside to this one, is it doesn't have a large selection of backgrounds for each page.


Rachael said...

This is where I have printed my last 3 books for each year. It worked well for me.

Good luck on choosing the best place, there are lots of places just some are more expensive than others.

Rachel said...

Yeah, there's another place called "" It's slightly frustrating to use, I think. Although they just sent me an email telling me they've come out with blurb maybe that version is better. Who knows. Let me know what you go with and how you end up liking it. I'm in the same boat, I need to make my blog a book.

The Voorhees Family said...

What the heck JULIA! I'm so happy that I found your blog. Look at us, all grown up and conquering our little part of the world!