Monday, January 24, 2011

Potty Training

Sarah is potty trained! I am so happy about this! The first day we tried it I was kind of depressed, it's not that she did horribly, but I'm just really weird about change. I don't like it. I was thinking all day, "THIS is the very worst part of parenting so far." Sheesh, it seriously was not that bad. Anyway, for my own records I just want to record how we did it, so I remember for future children. The first day we sat her in front of the TV, on her toilet and gave her lots of juice and salty snacks so she would want to drink. When she went I made a big deal about it, and she got smarties. She got a toy for going #2. (It wasn't ALL day that she sat on the potty, she would still get up.) I got this idea from my friend Sabrina :). I had read potty training in a day, and it seemed a little too complicated for me, so I wanted to go a little simpler, but maybe take a little longer. The 2nd day she walked around naked, and had a couple of accidents, but I think that's when she really got the concept. She went naked one more day with no accidents, then we put underpants on her the next day, then pants. (All the while moving her potty closer and closer to the bathroom, until it was on the toilet). I had her dump her potty, and wash her hands afterward of course. She seems to have a really strong bladder because she can go 4-5 hours without needing to go. She still wears a pull-up at night, but she has woken up dry once so far. I'm not going to stress about night time though. I'm sure she'll get better and better and eventually not even need pull-ups at night any more! Anyway, here's hoping she doesn't digress once the baby comes!

1 comment:

Amber said...

That is so awesome!