Monday, January 24, 2011

Pregnancy Update!

This picture is funny, because it looks like a blob is taking over my body! hehe, anyway, I don't have very long until we get to meet baby Charlotte! We are so excited. I will be getting induced on February 4th, which is 10 days early. My doctor wants to induce early because he doesn't want her to get too big, he doesn't think I can handle more than and 8 lb baby. I have progressed a little bit I am 60% effaced and 1+ dialated. Hopefully I can progress a little more before I get induced so labor won't be too crazy. We're so excited to meet the newest member of our family! The next time I post will probably be pictures of Charlotte! Yay!
Sarah wanted me to take her picture when I was trying to get one of my belly. She's excited to be a big sister. When we ask her if she's excited for the baby to come she says, "Yeah, I want to hold her!" Me too Sarah, me too.


Amber said...

You will love being induced! It's cool to know when it will happen (most likely happen) and you can be prepared!

Tim and Angie said...

We are very excited to meet Charlotte too. Good luck with the labor and delivery!

The Littlefields said...

Can't believe that you'll be induced so soon! That's SO exciting! Good luck! Cute new posts!

Sabrina said...

I love the name.