Tuesday, February 3, 2009

5 Months Old Today

One of my friends did a post about all her little girl's favorite things because she is turning 5 months soon also. I thought it was a good idea, so I'm going to do it for Sarah also! I'll call it

Sarah's top 10!

10. She loves to scream, blow bubbles, and fake cough to get attention.
9. She LOVES sucking on her hands, sometime just a few fingers, sometimes her entire hand, and sometimes both hands.
8. Her favorite food right now is rice cereal, and eats like a pro! She is a really good eater, and I think would eat forever if I let her. Uh oh.
7. She loves to watch baby Einstein Beethoven
6. She hates nursing.
5. She doesn't like it when her headband goes over her eyes, which happens a lot, but she doesn't complain a whole lot about it, so sometimes I have no idea how long she's been sitting there with her headband over her eyes. I guess she's just learned to deal eh?
4. She will always calm down when Mommy sings to her.
3. She still isn't rolling over yet, and despite lots of floor time and tummy time, she doesn't really try very much either, oh well... Mommy isn't going to worry until the doctor tells her to ;)
2. Every time Floyd walks by, her hand instantly reach out toward him and she smiles, I don't think we even make her do that :) (I think it's his tickly whiskers that she remembers)
1. She LOVES her daddy, because he can make her laugh like no one can!

P.S. my camera ran out of battery, so I'll have to post a picture tomorrow

And here's one with her headband over her eyes:

Poor Girl.

I need to get a picture of her whole hand in her mouth also, when I do, I'll post it, oh and I'll try to get one of the fake cough Amy!! hehe.


April said...

Oh, she is already a dog lover! You are the best mommy ever!

Amy said...

I LOVE it when they fake cough!! I need to see pictures (of her..., it may be difficult to capture a fake cough)!!!

Tara said...

She is so cute and getting so big! I just love your updates.

Sabrina said...

She is beautiful and that is a great idea of listing her favorite things, I might need to try that out with Bryce. :) Miss you guys!

jerbonashfoy said...

She is so cute! I love the top ten ideas. It is good to have them written down for soon you could forget them