Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Exclamation Point Abuse

So... I abuse exclamation points, and I don't really know how to stop. Does anyone else suffer from this? Seriously, when I write things, I do it with way too many exclamation points. Where there should be a period, I put an exclamation point. Where there should be an exclamation point, I put three exclamation points, sometimes even six of them!!!!!! Sometimes I will sit and ponder something I have just written to someone, and try to think of how I can delete some exclamation points, but I just can't do it. I feel like I'm not expressing enough emotion if I don't use every single one of them. I realize that a period should be expressing the correct emotion that I truly am feeling, in a lot of situations, but I've abused the exclamation point for so long, it has become a period to me. Does anyone else have this problem?!!!!!!???!!!!!????!!!!!!


April said...

Oh my gosh, Julia, this made me laugh so much! You are so funny! I don't have the exclamation point abuse problem, but I do use them when I'm trying to convey "nice". Like if I write "Thanks!" it just seems so much nicer than "Thanks." But I choose between them based on how casual/formal the note should be or what feeling I want to express. If you want to overcome your exclamation point addiction, you're just going to have to force yourself to use some periods, and with time you'll get used to that. Okay, I love you! Love, your best friend, April.

PS - You are the opposite of Isaac (H.) because he won't use exclamation points even when they should be used, and I think that's worse than using them too much (because it seems prideful).

Amy said...

That is hilarious!!! I do the same thing. Are you sure you didn't get it from me?!!! Oh, and the best kind of crunchy leaf to step on?.... a frosty one!!!!!!

Jenny said...

Yes!!!!! I do the same thing. I think it shoes you are an exciting person. . .right?

The Littlefields said...

You're SO funny!!!! I totally have this same problem. Don't stop though, I like it!

Unknown said...

I do have this problem I will admit. It doesn't matter how many
I use but I do use them instead of periods often. Your not the only one!!

Tim and Angie said...

This is so funny! Of course I abuse them too, but I haven't really pondered it before. I've never noticed your abuse either. It's ok to be dramatic, even in your ponderings on blogs. Abuse away!!!!!

Tommy + Monica said...

I recently just got made fun of for this same addiction when hanging out with some friends. And I say that they are just poopheads for not appreciating my excitment and feeling the need to make fun of it instead!!!! The whole purpose of an exclamtion point is to show excitment and enthusiasm!!! Go right on ahead and use them to your hearts content!!! ;)