Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ode to Isaac.

Well, Isaac has been gone to Las Vegas for work this week, and I really miss him. So, because Valentine's day is coming up, and I miss him, and he's hott, I thought I would do a little post about the best husband I could ever ask for! So, here are just a few things that I love about Isaac.

-He makes me laugh like no one can. Sometimes we will just sit in bed and laugh for hours about stupid stupid things. Seriously, if there were a camera and someone else could hear all the things we laugh about, and all the weird faces we make, you would pretty much think we were insane. This is why we are perfect for eachother :)
-He is the BEST Dad for our little girl that I could EVER ask for. He has always been so good with kids, and it is so great! I am so lucky!
-He is so creative! He comes up with the best things to make me feel special! ie: We had a pumpkin carving contest when he proposed. We each had a stencil picked out, and we went to work, and whoever carved it the best, won! Well, he actually didn't use his stencil, he carved "marry me" on the pumpkin, and then he proposed! I loved it! For Valentine's day when we were dating, he wrote me a song on the guitar. Another Valentine's day he sent me on a scavenger hunt for all my favorite treats, and connected to each treat was a puzzle piece. When I put the puzzle together, it told me where to find my Valentine's gift. There are so many other really cute, creative things Isaac has done for me, and I feel so lucky!
-He is good at EVERYTHING he does! I'm serious. He is a very frequent winner of games and other new challenges that he has never done before.
-I think he's so HOTT when he plays the drums.
-I also think he's so HOTT when he plays Pink Floyd on the guitar, and sings also.
-Isaac likes Christmas probably as much as I do, and that really makes things fun!
-He works so hard so I can stay home with our girl, and that makes him my Man hero!
-He is so calm under pressure.
-He is really good at reasoning things out with me, and de-stressing me.
-He has a strong testimony, and honors his priesthood. He knows a lot more about doctrine than I do, and I'm grateful to have that source of knowledge so close to me.
-He is very smart, and when he doesn't know something, he will figure it out.
-He is a lot more "street smart" than I am.
-He is VERY considerate of others. That was kind of an eye opener when we got married because he is so aware of everything that is going on around him, and how it will affect me or other people. I'm not so great at that. Sometimes I'm pretty oblivious of what is going on around me, but he's helped me be better at it.

I really could go on and on because he is just so great! I love you Sweetie. You're my favorite sweetie I ever had!
Love, your wife


The Littlefields said...

That was a sweet post. It's always fun to have a glimpse into others relationships. I'm glad that you found someone SO perfect for you. I love that he's "your favorite sweetie" you're cute.

April said...

Oh, this is a sweet post Julia, and I didn't mean to copy Steph, I just saw that she wrote that too. You are lucky to have Isaac, and he is lucky to have you. I bet he has just as many nice things to say about you as you said about him, because you are both so awesome! I love you!

April said...

PS - You should have told me Isaac was out of town. We could have an April/Julia night!

Unknown said...

Im glad you two have each other!!

Des said...

That was a very nice "ode":) I am so glad that you two found each other and now have a super cute little niece for me. I am so grateful that you are a sweet, fun person who is always willing to come and join in at whatever. That makes family time a lot more fun. I think you have brought out the good in my little brother and because I didn't know you before I can't say for sure if he did the same. But I have found that most happily married people have done that for each other. I am glad you guys are happy and that he picked you to join our family!:)
I hope he was back for you on Valentines day!

Sabrina said...

Wow I am sure glad someone pushed you into hanging out with him. ;) That was very sweet of you and Jason is out of town now and I feel the same. What is Isaac doing for work now?

Jess said...

Julia!!! I found your blog from a friends. It sounds like you have many reason's to be in love with your man. lol Oh and by the way. . . your little girl has to be the cutest little girl ever! I'd love for you to check out my blog at. . .